

Making Learning Fun


Steps to learning:

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Trial class and classroom orientation 

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My Class 

Learning English in a relaxed and fun environment via free talk, free play, stories, games, and lesson material. Your child will be immersed in the English language with a native speaker and gain confidence and enjoyment in speaking English.

通过自由交谈,自由玩耍,故事,游戏和课程资料,在轻松有趣的环境中学习英语。 您的孩子将与以英语为母语的老师一起沉浸在英语学习中,并获得说英语的信心和乐趣。


Class Ethos 

Formal English lessons at school tend to base their classes on grammar and repetition, often leaving students sounding robotic and unable to articulate their own thoughts, therefore English lessons with Teacher Sam will encourage your child to engage in conversational English and learn how to have fun while speaking English.  

My passion is understanding each child’s unique personality so I can deliver a lesson suited to their individual needs. Paying close attention to their body language and mannerisms to determine their confidence level and lesson preferences. The most important thing in my class is your child’s happiness and enjoyment. This will allow them to grow not only in the knowledge of the English language but also in their confidence, which will lead to an increased passion for life long learning of the English language.

在学校进行的正式英语课通常以语法和重复课为基础,常常使学生听起来像机器人一样,无法表达自己的想法,因此,与山姆老师一起进行的英语课将鼓励您的孩子从事会话英语,并学习如何在玩耍的同时获得乐趣 说英语。

我的热情是了解每个孩子的独特个性,因此我可以提供适合他们个人需求的课程。 密切注意他们的肢体语言和举止,以确定他们的自信心水平和课程偏好。 我班上最重要的是你的孩子的幸福和快乐。 这将使他们不仅在英语知识上成长,而且在他们的自信中成长,这会让他们对终身学习英语充满热情.


My child study English with teacher Samantha more than 3 years. She is very kindly teacher. Every lesson can learn more knowledge from her. We love her smile and her lesson . Last year, we meet together in England. It’s a very good memory.

– Yoyo’s mum, Anita

Sky 快6岁了,跟着Sam学英语也快两年了。记得第一次上课Sky连上课的指令都听不懂,到今天可以跟Sam很自如的进行交流,进步之大,让我们都很惊喜。Sam是个特别有耐心的老师,并且懂得如何控制课堂,调动学生的积极性。Sky现在特别想去英国找Sam,用她的话说“Sam is so sweet and nice.”

– Sky’s mum


– Leonards’s mum

Sam is a perfect and fun teacher.


– Jenny’s mum


– Dodo’s mum

Thank you, dear Sam, for being so engaged in interacting with Eric and making him focus on what he needed to learn all through the class.
I can feel that you love teaching wholeheartedly, it’s much more than a job for you. Only in this way can you always know what he needs and how to respond to him. Best wishes.

– Eric’s mum, Catherine